Articles, podcasts and news about Swift development, by John Sundell.

Avoiding Massive View Controllers

Published on 06 Dec 2017
Basics article available: Child View Controllers

Avoiding Massive View Controllers is all about finding the right levels of abstraction and splitting things up.

My personal rule of thumb is that as soon as I have 3 methods or properties that have the same prefix, I break them out into their own type.


class LoginViewController: UIViewController {
    private lazy var signUpLabel = UILabel()
    private lazy var signUpImageView = UIImageView()
    private lazy var signUpButton = UIButton()


class LoginViewController: UIViewController {
    private lazy var signUpView = SignUpView()

class SignUpView: UIView {
    private lazy var label = UILabel()
    private lazy var imageView = UIImageView()
    private lazy var button = UIButton()