Articles, podcasts and news about Swift development, by John Sundell.

What role do Tasks play within Swift’s concurrency system?

Published on 02 Dec 2021
Discover page available: Concurrency

When writing asynchronous code using Swift’s new built-in concurrency system, creating a Task gives us access to a new asynchronous context, in which we’re free to call async-marked APIs, and to perform work in the background.

But besides enabling us to encapsulate a piece of asynchronous code, the Task type also lets us control the way that such code is run, managed, and potentially cancelled.

Bridging the gap between synchronous and asynchronous code

Perhaps the most common way to use a Task within UI-based apps is to have it act as a bridge between our synchronous, main thread-bound UI code, and any background operations that are used to fetch or process the data that our UI is rendering.

For example, here we’re using a Task within a UIKit-based ProfileViewController to be able to use an async-marked API to load the User model that our view controller should render:

class ProfileViewController: UIViewController {
    private let userID: User.ID
    private let loader: UserLoader
    private var user: User?

    override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {

        Task {
            do {
                let user = try await loader.loadUser(withID: userID)
            } catch {

    private func handleError(_ error: Error) {
        // Show an error view

    private func userDidLoad(_ user: User) {
        // Render the user's profile

One thing that’s really interesting about the above code is that there are no self captures, no DispatchQueue.main.async calls, no tokens or cancellables that need to be retained, or any other kind of “bookkeeping” that we normally have to do when performing asynchronous operations using tools like closures or Combine.

So how exactly are we able to perform a network call (which is definitely going to be executed on a background thread), and then directly call UI-updating methods like userDidLoad and handleError, without first manually dispatching those calls using DispatchQueue.main?

This is where Swift’s new MainActor attribute comes in, which automatically ensures that UI-related APIs (such as those defined within a UIView or UIViewController) are correctly dispatched on the main thread. So, as long as we’re writing our asynchronous code using Swift’s new concurrency system, and within such a MainActor-marked context, then we no longer have to worry about accidentally performing UI updates on a background queue. Neat!

Another thing that’s interesting about our above implementation is that we’re not required to manually retain our loading task in order for it to complete. That’s because asynchronous tasks are not automatically cancelled when their corresponding Task handle is deallocated — they just keep executing in the background.

Referencing and cancelling a task

However, in this particular case, we probably do want to maintain a reference to our loading task, since we might want to cancel it when our view controller disappears, and we probably also want to prevent duplicate tasks from being performed in case the system calls viewWillAppear while a task is already in progress:

class ProfileViewController: UIViewController {
    private let userID: User.ID
    private let loader: UserLoader
    private var user: User?
    private var loadingTask: Task<Void, Never>?

    override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {

        guard loadingTask == nil else {

        loadingTask = Task {
            do {
                let user = try await loader.loadUser(withID: userID)
            } catch {

            loadingTask = nil

    override func viewDidDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
loadingTask = nil


Note how a Task has two generic types — the first indicates what type of output that it returns (which is Void in our case, since our task simply forwards its loaded User model onto our view controller’s methods), and the second is for its error type (and since we handle all errors within our task itself, that error type is Never in this case).

Calling the cancel method on a Task also marks all of its child-tasks as cancelled as well. So by cancelling our top-level loadingTask within our view controller, we’re also implicitly cancelling its underlying network operations at the same time.

However, note that it’s up to each individual task to implement the actual cancellation handling code required to cancel its particular operation. So, even though the system will automatically manage and propagate cancellation in terms of marking, it’s up to each task to decide how to actually handle that cancellation (for example by calling Task.checkCancellation within its closure).

Context inheritance

The relationship between a given Task and its parent can be quite important, at least within @MainActor-marked classes, such as views and view controllers. That’s because child tasks are not only connected to their parents in terms of cancellation — they also automatically inherit the same execution context as their parent uses.

To illustrate when that behavior can become somewhat problematic, let’s imagine that our ProfileViewController was loading its User model from a local database, rather than over the network, and that our Database API is currently completely synchronous.

At first glance, it could seem like the following implementation will be completely fine, since we might expect that our asynchronous work will still be executed on a background thread (even if we no longer perform any await-based calls within our Task):

class ProfileViewController: UIViewController {
    private let userID: User.ID
    private let database: Database
    private var user: User?
    private var loadingTask: Task<Void, Never>?

    override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {

        guard loadingTask == nil else {

        loadingTask = Task {
            do {
                let user = try database.loadModel(withID: userID)
            } catch {

            loadingTask = nil


However, although the above Task will indeed be performed asynchronously, it will still be executed on the main thread, since it’s being dispatched using the MainActor (it inherits that context from the viewWillAppear method that it was created in). So, essentially, our above Task is more or less equivalent to performing that same database call within a DispachQueue.main.async closure.

Since we probably want to move our database call away from the main thread (to prevent that call from interfering with the responsiveness of our UI), we could instead use a detached task — which will be executed within its own, stand-alone context. When doing so, we’ll also have to use await when calling back into our view controller’s methods, since those methods are isolated by the MainActor (we can also no longer set our loadingTask property to nil directly within our task):

class ProfileViewController: UIViewController {

    override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {

        guard loadingTask == nil else {

        loadingTask = Task.detached(priority: .userInitiated) { [weak self] in
            guard let self = self else { return }

            do {
                let user = try self.database.loadModel(withID: self.userID)
                await self.userDidLoad(user)
            } catch {
                await self.handleError(error)

            await self.loadingTaskDidFinish()


    private func loadingTaskDidFinish() {
        loadingTask = nil

In general, it’s recommended to only use detached tasks when we explicitly want to create a new top-level task that uses its own execution context. In other situations, simply using Task {} to encapsulate our asynchronous code is the recommended way to go.

Awaiting the result of a task

Finally, let’s take a look at how we can await the result of a given Task instance. For example, let’s say that we wanted to extend our above Database-based view controller implementation with support for loading the current user’s image over the network.

To do that, we’ll wrap our detached task within yet another Task instance, and we’ll then use the await keyword to wait for our database loading operation to complete before proceeding with our image download — like this:

class ProfileViewController: UIViewController {
    private let userID: User.ID
    private let database: Database
    private let imageLoader: ImageLoader
    private var user: User?
    private var loadingTask: Task<Void, Never>?

    override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {

        guard loadingTask == nil else {

        loadingTask = Task {
            let databaseTask = Task.detached(
    priority: .userInitiated,
    operation: { [database, userID] in
        try database.loadModel(withID: userID)

            do {
                let user = try await databaseTask.value
                let image = try await imageLoader.loadImage(from: user.imageURL)
                userDidLoad(user, image: image)
            } catch {

            loadingTask = nil


    private func userDidLoad(_ user: User, image: UIImage) {
        // Render the user's profile

Note how we can once again call our view controller’s methods directly within our top-level Task, since it’s now MainActor-bound, just like before. That illustrates just how smoothly we can now mix work that’s performed both on and off the main queue, without having to worry about accidentally performing UI updates on the wrong thread.


Swift’s new Task type enables us to encapsulate, observe, and control a unit of asynchronous work — which in turn lets us call async-marked APIs, and perform background work, even within code that’s otherwise completely synchronous. That way, we can gradually introduce async functions and the rest of Swift’s new concurrency system, even within applications that weren’t designed with those new features in mind.

I hope that you found this article interesting and useful. If you have any questions, comments, or feedback, then feel free to reach out via email.

Thanks for reading!